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This study led by the Rev. Dr. Becky McNeil uses the book The Bible from Scratch, The New Testament for Beginners by Donald L. Griggs, is a companion book to the one used for last year for the Old Testament study.

The study is offered twice each week. — attend Wednesday or Saturday as fits your schedule. Wednesday classes are from 1-2:30 p.m. in January and February. The same class is repeated from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturdays.

The book can be ordered online from many sources, including Amazon and several Christian bookstores websites. Be sure to order the physical book, not the audiobook or E-Book. If you need help finding the book or don’t have it in time for the start of the study join us anyway.

If you plan to attend or have questions, let Becky know or message the church at so that she can have enough copies of additional study materials. All classes will take place in the Fellowship Hall