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11th Sunday After Pentecost Bulletin

Join Our Sunday worship: Elijah finds the presence of God not in earthquake, wind, or fire, but in the sound of sheer silence. When the disciples face a great storm on the sea, they cry out with fear. Jesus says: “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” Amid the storms of life, we gather to seek the calm presence of Christ that soothes our fears. In comforting words of scripture and in the refreshing bread and cup of the eucharist, God grants us peace and sends us forth to be a sign of God’s presence to others.

Worship Service: Throughout the summer, we gather outdoors (weather permitting) in this time and space, breathing in the Spirit's invitation to connect, learn, and answer the call to justice and action. If you are visiting or new to our faith family, please fill out a yellow guest card and place it in the offering plate so we have a record of your presence today. Come back and worship with us each Sunday at 10 a.m. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered to all worshiping with us. You may come forward for the sacraments or cross your arms across your chest for a blessing.

Fellowship Time: Join us after worship for coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall, adjacent to the sanctuary.

 (The Sunday Bulletin can be downloaded above.)