Join Our Sunday Worship: In Isaiah the people are advised to look to their spiritual ancestors as the rock from which they were hewn. Jesus declares that the church will be built on the rock of Peter’s bold confession of faith. God’s word of reconciliation and God’s mercy are keys to the church’s mission. Paul urges us to not be conformed to this world but to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, using our individual gifts to build up the body of Christ. From the table we go forth to offer our spiritual worship through word and deed.
Worship Service: We gather outdoors (weather permitting) in this time and space, breathing in the Spirit's invitation to connect, learn, and answer the call to justice and action. Beginning next Sunday, Sept. 3, we will return to worship in the sanctuary. If you are visiting or new to our faith family, please sign the guest book and/or fill out a yellow guest card and place it in the offering plate so we have a record of your presence today. Come back and worship at 10 a.m. each Sunday. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered to all worshiping today. You may come forward for the sacraments or cross your arms in front of you for a blessing.
Fellowship Time: Please join us after worship today in the Fellowship Hall as we honor David & Pamela who are moving to the State of Washington.
(The Sunday Bulletin can be downloaded above.)