Welcome to Our Worship: The prophet Jeremiah speaks of the incurable wound of his suffering yet finds in God’s words the delight of his heart. When Peter doesn’t grasp Jesus’ words about suffering, Jesus tells the disciples they will find their lives in losing them. Such sacrificial love is described by Paul when he urges us to associate with the lowly and not repay evil with evil. In worship we gather as a community that we might offer ourselves for the sake of our suffering world.
Worship and Communion: In God's Boundless Diversity, we are all made in God's image! We gather in this time and space, breathing in the Spirit's invitation to connect and learn, and answer Jesus' call to justice and action. If you are visiting or new to our faith family, please fill out the yellow guest card and put it in the offering plate so we may have a record of your presence today. Come back and worship with us each Sunday at 10 a.m. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered to all worshiping today. You may come forward for the sacraments or cross your arms in front of you for a blessing.
Fellowship Time: After worship, join us for conversation and coffee. After worship, the first Sunday of each month is our Potluck, bring a dish and join in or feel free to dine even if you didn't bring food.
(The Sunday Bulletin can be downloaded using the link above.)