Welcome to Our Worship: All Saints celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ. As November heralds the dying of the landscape in many northern regions, the readings and liturgy call us to remember all who have died in Christ and whose baptism is complete. At the Lord’s table we gather with the faithful of every time and place, trusting that the promises of God will be fulfilled and that all tears will be wiped away in the new Jerusalem.
Worship and Communion: As you arrive to worship today, if you brought a photo or other memory of a loved one or have written their name on a piece of paper, please place the item(s) on the table located at the front of the sanctuary.
For Lutherans, worship stands at the center of our life of faith, and we are pleased to welcome you today. Through God’s word, water, bread, and prayer we are nurtured in faith and sent out into the world. Connected with and central to everything we do, worship unites us in celebration, engages us in thoughtful dialogue and helps us grow in faith. If you are visiting or new to our faith family, please fill out the yellow guest card and put it in the offering plate so we may have a record of your presence today. Come back and worship with us each Sunday at 10 a.m. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered to all worshiping today. You may come forward for the sacraments or cross your arms in front of you for a blessing.
Fellowship: Please join us after worship today in the Fellowship Hall for our first Sunday (monthly) potluck and for our Special Called Congregational Meeting.
(The Sunday Bulletin can be downloaded using the link above)