Welcome to Our Worship: Our re-creation in baptism is an image of the Genesis creation, where the Spirit of God moved over the waters. Both Mark’s gospel and the story in Acts make clear that it is the Spirit’s movement that distinguishes Jesus’ baptism from John’s. The Spirit has come upon us as upon Jesus and the Ephesians, calling us God’s beloved children and setting us on Jesus’ mission to re-create the world in the image of God’s vision of justice and peace.
Worship and Communion: In God's Boundless Diversity, we are made in God's image! If you are visiting or new to our faith family, please fill out a yellow guest card and put it in the offering plate so we have a record of your visit. Come back and worship with us each Sunday at 10 a.m. Those worshiping today may come forward for the sacraments or, cross your arms across your chest for a blessing instead. This is Christ’s table where all are welcome, as Christ welcomes all.
Fellowship: Join us after worship today, we will have our first Sunday potluck and Sunday Bible Study, as we continue the series, “How Lutherans Read the Bible”.
(The Sunday Bulletin can be downloaded using the link above)