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Twenty Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome Friends and Guests:  November begins with All Saints Day and ends in or near Advent, when we anticipate Christ’s coming again. It is fitting, then, that the readings today tell of the final resurrection and the end time. In the turmoil of hope, fear, and disbelief that these predictions
provoke in us, Hebrews sounds a note of confident trust. Christ makes a way for us where there is no way, and we walk it confidently, our hearts and bodies washed in baptismal water, trusting the one who has promised forgiveness. The more we see the last day approaching, the more important it is to meet together to provoke one another to love.

 honors our tears. We bring our grief to the table and find there a foretaste of Isaiah’s feast to come.

Worship: We welcome all into the fullness of God's love. If you are visiting, please fill out a yellow guest card and put it in the offering plate as a record of your visit. Come back and worship with us each Sunday at 10 a.m.

Communion:  We celebrate open communion. This is Christ’s table, all are welcome, as Christ welcomes all. You may come forward for the sacraments or cross your arms across your chest for a blessing. Our bread is gluten free and both wine and white grape juice (in center of communion tray) are available.

Fellowship: Please join us after worship today in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and conversation. Church council meets downstairs in the Fellowship Hall and all are welcome to attend.

Congregational Meeting: Our congregational meeting to vote to affirm the church council's decision to be recognized as a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) church partner is next Sunday. The meeting will be held in the fellowship hall beginning at 11:30am. See the announcement page of the bulletin (or Zion's homepage) for details.

(The Sunday Bulletin can be downloaded using the link above.)