Welcome Friends and Guests: Witnesses to the glory of God in the face of Jesus reflect that glory in the world. It was true for Moses. It was doubtless true for Peter, James, and John. We pray that it will be true of all of us who see God’s glory in the word and in the supper and who are being “transformed into the same image” by God’s Spirit.
Worship: We welcome all into the fullness of God's love. If you are visiting, please fill out a yellow guest card and put it in the offering plate as a record of your visit. Come back and worship with us each Sunday at 10 a.m.
Communion: We celebrate open communion. This is Christ’s table, all are welcome, as Christ welcomes all. You may come forward for the sacraments or cross your arms across your chest for a blessing. Our bread is gluten free and both wine and white grape juice (in center of communion tray) are available.
Fellowship: Please join us after worship today in the Fellowship Hall for our First Sunday Potluck & Sunday Study.
Zion’s Lutheran is a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) community of believers.
(The Sunday Bulletin can be downloaded using the link above.)