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Promises, Promises

By Vicar Lisa

The story of God’s relationship with God’s people is a story of promises fulfilled. We will hear about God’s covenant with Sarah and Abraham in our Genesis reading on Sunday and about its fulfillment in the New Testament texts. As Paul reminds us in Romans, we are the multitude of nations that were promised to Abraham; we are his descendants in faith. “Kings of peoples” (Gen. 17:16) descended from Sarah’s offspring; Jesus Christ, the King of kings, is Lord of all through his death and resurrection.

From generation to generation, God is steadfast. No matter how many ages pass or how often we turn away, God remains faithful. This is the great hope of our faith — no matter how often we stray or how great our sin, God persists in loving us. Jesus Christ binds us to God through our baptism into his death. In worship — especially through confession, affirmation of baptism, and communion — we continually remember the lengths to which God goes to keep covenant with us. The promise of salvation extends even into the future, as the psalmist reminds us: Our children and our children’s children will proclaim God’s salvation to generations yet unborn.

Second Sunday In Lent, Feb 25, 2024

10 a.m. Worship with Communion


  • Thank You Notes: We are grateful to everyone who prepared and served meals on behalf of The Way while Pastor Clay and Mary are on a well-deserved hiatus visiting family in Texas. And, special thanks to Norine who was able to supply almost everything we needed from her stores, saving us a lot of money! 
  • Five Loaves: We will be serving our community this weekend.  Please let Norine or Jo know if you can help set up on Friday or deliver on Saturday.  
  • Adult Bible Study: Our adult Bible Study, “How Lutherans Read the Bible” will be Sunday, March 2, after the First Sunday Potluck.
  • Weekday Bible Study: Our weekday Bible Study has moved to Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. The next study is Feb. 28.  Because “all are welcome”, please note that the study is open to everyone and no longer is called “Women’s Bible Study”.
  • Congregational Meeting: We will have a meeting after worship on Sunday, March 17, to select two people who will accompany Vicar Lisa to the Synod Assembly April 25-27. The Synod Assembly will be at the Embassy Suites in Loveland.  In addition to the regular meeting, our representatives will help elect the next Bishop. Sharon Sorenson and Melodie Lanosga have already expressed interest in attending.  We can take additional volunteers/nominations until the vote.  If you have any questions, please let Julie know. 
  • Lent Soup Suppers:We need volunteers to bring soup, salad, bread, or a light dessert. If you can help, please sign up on the sheets in the Fellowship Hall. Soup suppers are at 6 p.m. each Wednesday in Lent.

E-formation – Second Sunday of Lent -- Feb. 25

Lent is the time for the renewal of our baptismal covenant: last week we heard of God’s covenant with Noah and the animals, today of God’s covenant with Abraham and Sarah. By faith we join in this covenant, which calls us to follow Christ to the cross and into the resurrection.

Mark 8:31-38

The gospel promises that following in the way of Christ offers life. During Lent, many Christians place limits on their lives — “fasting from self-indulgence” as a sign of incorporation into Christ. We need to beware of counseling those who are suffering more than we are about willingly taking up their cross, by which Mark meant religious persecution.

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

The story of God’s covenant with Abraham and Sarah is read this Sunday to strengthen the Lenten focus on covenant and to present examples of those who receive life from God. That the passage speaks of God’s everlasting covenant with the descendants of Abraham reminds Christians of God’s continuing faithfulness also to Jews and Muslims.

Romans 4:13-25

In Lent we receive the grace of God, which like the surprise of a birth to a couple in old age, comes from the mercy of God rather than from our human efforts.

Zion's Lutheran Church
