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Hello, Lisa Rygiel here with this week’s e-formation. 

When Pastor Kate asked the question in Church on Sunday, “Why did you come to church today?” that statement made me think about a book I have been reading called Living Lutheran, Renewing your Congregation by Dave Daubert.  

I had just read the chapter on Saturday evening entitled The Church — God Prefers Not to Work Alone.  Daubert comments, “Now be honest, the last time you went to church, did you think about the reason you were going?  In a nation where only one in five people go to church, did you think about the fact that you are in a select few rather than part of a majority?  In a church where less than one-third of the members even show up on Sunday, did you ask yourself what is important about this?”

I admit, that I never really questioned my purpose for attending church or even why God created the institution of the Church.    Fortunately, Daubert has.  He states that the reason God made the church was to “call forth a community of allies.”  We remind each other what God has done for us in Jesus and we share in the Lord’s supper to celebrate God’s presence.  We nurture one another, teach each other, and pray for each other.  And then, God sends us back into the world to serve and minister to others. 

Could God accomplish what he wants in this world without our help?  Of course, he could!  Daubert points out that God doesn’t need our help but rather wants our help.  God doesn’t want to work alone.  God invites us into God’s work, God’s mission, and God’s dream.  Daubert quoted a friend of his who often says, “God is going to do what God’s going to do.  The only question is, do we want to be a part of it or not?”

Thank you for being a part of our beautifully eclectic community of allies we call Zion's Lutheran Church.  Imagine us all locking elbows and walking into the future to do God’s work, achieving his mission and his dreams for the world.  

Thank you for being the one in five that attend.  God bless you and the rest of your week!

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. 

Ephesians 2:10


This week (other meetings/gatherings will be taking place as well but here are some things to note):

Please note!  We will not be having outdoor worship this Sunday.  Instead, plan on attending our outdoor service for God’s Work Our Hands Sunday, Sept. 11.

Sunday, Aug 21, the 11th Sunday after Pentecost

  • 8:30 a.m. — Morning Bible study
  • Bible study is on hiatus for August and will resume after Labor Day.
  • 10 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion
  • Please join us, either in person OR via ZOOM ('hybrid' worship). If you will be worshiping via Zoom, log on or call in using these links: -- or Dial: 1 301 715 8592 -- Meeting ID: 917 3921 4242 -- Password: 731771. 
  • For those of you who will be worshiping in person, masks will now be at the discretion of each individual. We continue to be mindful of all the different ways people are compromised that may not be known and so please continue to practice healthy community habits such as staying home when you are sick etc.

Worship leader: Pastor Kate Schlechter;

Assistant: Lisa Rygiel;

Organist: Connie Pallone;

Ushering: Dr. David Serafini & Pamela Nelson-Serafini

Reading: Pamela Nelson-Serafini

Communion prep/cleanup: Kathy Nicolai

  • Flowers: donated by Doris Blalock in celebration of daughter Precious and Aunt Ann’s birthdays.
  • Fellowship time at approximately 11:15 a.m. to share a cup of coffee/soda and conversation!

Other important stuff of note:

  • Save the dates!  On Sept. 11, in celebration of our God’s Work Our Hands effort, we will have our annual worship and picnic at the Fairgrounds with the Huerfano Valley Singers. Bring your lawn chairs so you can sit on the lawn for worship and plan on bringing a dish for a potluck following service. This is always an awesome time of worship and community!

On Sept. 17 we will participate in our God’s Work Our Hands project.  We will be cleaning up the sanctuary and the church grounds, inside and out.  Julie will be coordinating the outdoor activities. Lisa will be coordinating the indoor activities.  Please mark it on your calendars so we can have great participation and let Julie or Lisa know how you will participate.

  • 5-Loaves is scheduled for Aug. 27 and volunteers are needed to help deliver food.  Please contact Norine Hazen, Peggy Gustafson, or Jo Moss for additional information.
  • Are you interested in being an Assisting Minister or an usher or serving in some other capacity, but you are a bit unsure as to what the responsibilities of that role are?  If so, please reach out to Pastor Kate Schlechter, Becky McNeil, or Lisa Rygiel.  We will train you!
  • We are looking to add members to the security committee!  These volunteers would monitor the sanctuary door and check that doors in the fellowship hall are locked during services and after everyone has left.  Please see Jeff Smith or any member of the council if you would be interested. 
  • Women’s Bible Study will begin a study on Galatians on September 2, 9:30 - 11:00 am in the blue room, downstairs of the Fellowship Hall.  You can also join by zoom: Meeting ID: 895 5913 0517 Passcode: 486889 (or call 1-312-626- 6799). A couple of books are still available. Questions can be directed to Carol Smith.
  • The sermon from last week is online on our webpage:
  • A reminder:  Starting in September, we will not send out a Worship/Bulletin email on Saturday, but that information (link and bulletin) will be available every Saturday on our webpage under the Sermon & Bulletin tab —



If you are hosting a wedding reception or a grand dinner party, would you gladly seat at your table with some stranger who knocks at the door? Well, we do this every Sunday. Come and join whoever shows up, at the table of the word and the meal.

The Readings in the Bible

Luke 14:1, 7-14

Christ’s call is to countercultural behavior: the society is hierarchical, but the church is to enact a surprising acceptance of the poor, to give to others with no expectation of return. Jesus is the model, who gave himself all the way to death, and who was indeed repaid in his resurrection.

Proverbs 25:6-7

The short reading places the advice on humility centuries before Christ. Jesus is our monarch, and he says to us, “Come up here,” and up to the table we go.

Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16

This, the lectionary’s last semi-continuous selection from the book of Hebrews is a collection of directives to the church, many of which are counter-cultural. Those with faith are now a community of care. The belief that God will never leave us and that Jesus Christ is always the same contrast with the temple and its sacrifices, which pass away. Although close congruence of the second reading and the gospel during post-Pentecost is not intended, on this Sunday the call for hospitality to strangers and for sharing with others fits well with the gospel reading.


Zion's Lutheran Church
