Good evening! Today is December 6th and my granddaughter Margot put her shoes out last night in anticipation of Saint Nicholas' Day. Around the globe the Feast of Saint Nicholas is celebrated in a variety of ways but in the Tennery home the kids left their shoes out on Dec. 5th and were delighted when they found a few treats in them on the morning of December 6th. I have to tell you I so enjoyed watching the joy on Margot's face as she discovered applesauce, cookies and a few pieces of chocolate gold in her little boots this morning. (Thank you to technology and to sons who send videos!).
Well, it got me thinking about our shoes, socks and walking this Advent together, especially since I had just read a devotional "Walking in Wonder" by Christine Sine AND we are buying SOCKS for some of the needy children in Trinidad (see below). Here is a snippet of what she wrote as she wondered what would help us walk into the Wonder of Advent but you can find the full devotional at
We might need NEW SHOES! Or even SOCKS! To help us find the WONDER and rediscover the paths that lead to rest for our souls! To actually WALK in Wonder this Advent and Christmas I decided I needed to consider what kind of shoes I might need.
House slippers…. Running Shoes…. Party /Dress up /Dancing shoes! Those would be shoes for celebration! Maybe it’s a pair of hiking boots to get out there and really rediscover the old paths, the ancient ways of God on an actual trail! Or a pair of running shoes to get you outside to discover the beauty of nature! And allow the heavens to declare the glory and wonder of God!
What about taking yourself or your family — or even your small group — outside on a clear night to look at the stars and be reminded of the Magi who followed that star so long ago, anticipating the king they would find! How would a pair of slippers help you walk in wonder this year?
And she decided she needed new socks! So she got some Advent Wonder Socks that she puts on in the morning to remind her that wonder surrounds us all day long! "We just need to take time to look and pay attention! To pause and take notice! To put on DIFFERENT SHOES OR NEW SOCKS to help us remember to WALK IN WONDER!"
I found myself enjoying considering the different shoes and wonder socks that I can wear during this Advent. Can what I put on my feet remind me of the great gift of Jesus as well as walking in wonder? I hope so! I'll let you know.
Have a blessed week dear people of God. Walk in wonder and may PEACE surround you and may you work to bring PEACE to our world. Holding you in prayer!
Pastor Andrea
This week (other meetings/gatherings/work will be taking place as well but here are some things to note):
Prayer List: It is a privilege to pray for one another and to bring those who need healing to Jesus. Send prayer requests to Carol Smith at or 412-477-7531.
"Listen to my words, Lord, consider my lament. Hear my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly." ─ Psalms 5:1-3.
Let us be reassured as we pray, that God hears our prayers.
In prayer, we ask in His name: Comfort for those in mourning, including Jill Wilson on the death of her mother; Carol Schulzkump's family on the death of her BIL, Rick Woodruff; Margaret Gumke's grandson Jacob Dalton upon the death of his father; and Doris Blalock's family on death of her uncle.
We thank God for the positive news of both Andrea and Tyrone in remission! We rejoice with Erin Ogletree and Carol Schulzkump in the graduations of their children.
We pray for and surround with Gods' healing touch: Kimberly Hall; Brent Kapling; Mike Blackmore; Bradley Tennery; Cora Warrick and son Tyler; Carol Schulzkump, and Carol's son Kris and DIL Ana(whose father is in ICU); JoAnn's sister, Beth; Deena Karpseck (Steve's SIL with COVID and A-Fib); Floyd Gumke; Wilmae and Sherry Gartside; Lisa Rygiel's parents; Kimberly Ehrman; Loren Eigenberg; the Sandstead family.
We surround with prayers those battling cancer, including Mary Danielson, Gary Miller; Marcie Guard; Lynn's brother, Kenny; Nancy Wilhelm (Ernie and Sharon family member); Linda Bounds; Norine's step daughter Sherry; Joni's nephew Mike; Jo Moss' cousin Virginia; Kimber Begano; Dr. Mark Jacobson; Linda Theige's BIL Pastor Bob; and Max Phillips. We also pray for those affected by COVID-19, including The Pearson family, the Ramirez family, Mary Mckenna's grandson Jack's exposure; Norine's daughter Thulei Bereford and family in South Africa; Phyllis Tamburelli; Natalie Lugan; Hal and Rita Burton and their daughter Christine; and Sheryl Smith's Mom, Maureen Walker.
Our prayers continue for Wal Reat (missionary in Sudan whom we support financially through Global Missions); Pastor Clay and The Way ministry; ACTS ministry; and the prison congregation New Beginnings and Pastor Schjang.
Other announcements/dates to put on your calendar:
Yesterday's worship service can be viewed by following this link: !7*3bNvh The sermon is at minute 17
1. Let's share with local seniors and youth in need this Christmas. Can you bring a little joy to someone's life this Christmas by blessing them with a gift? We have a few opportunities:
a. Seniors in partnership with First National Bank. Gifts are around $25 and need to be returned to the bank for delivery by Dec. 15th. We have 4 seniors left to match. Gifts left at church will be delivered for you on the 15th.
b. Youth in partnership with the Trinidad Youth Club. We have a list of approx. 30 children who we are buying SOCKs for as well as a small educational gift such as a book, puzzle, etc. If you would like to shop for these kids, please let us know by emailing the church. We have until the 20th of December for these gifts. Thanks!
c. A grandmother has contacted ACTS and asked if she could get help buying gifts for her 5 grandchildren she is raising. Since she lives outside the city apparently they don't qualify for the Firemen's Christmas gift drive. ACTS doesnt have the funds to buy gifts so Lana is asking if we could help. If anyone would like to sponsor this family or any of the kids, please let us know by emailing the church. We have names, ages, and ideas that grandma shared.
2. Women's Bible study will meet next on Friday, December 17 at 9:30 am, continuing a study on "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel", by Lifeway Women. We are on the fourth session. It takes four of the hymn's verses and explores their meaning in a deeper understanding as we prepare for the Lord's first and second coming. There are 5 days of personal study to be done before each session, so order your book now and join us! All are welcome. The sessions will be both in person and on Zoom. The Zoom link is or join by phone 301-715-8592; Meeting ID: 826 9201 394; Passcode: 624229
3. Zion's Christmas Eve worship will be at 11pm on December 24th. It's a beloved service of carols and lessons.
4. The flower ministry continues to bless our worship as well as those who receive the flowers after church. Lynn Chase has put the new 2022 calendar in the back of the santuary. Please sign up to sponsor the flowers in our new year.
5. Becky McNeil and David Lamb are in our community theater's Christmas play "The 12 Days of Christmas" that shows again this weekend, Dec. 10-12. Enjoy an evening or matinee laughing.
6. Centering Prayer will be returning to Zion's! All who are interested in resuming or starting this practice please mark Saturday, February 12th for a half day workshop led by the Southern Colorado Contemplative Outreach leadership team. Prior to March 2020, Zion's had a Centering Prayer group that met weekly and members have requested that it be restarted.
This coming Sunday we light three candles on the Advent wreath. While our society goes crazy with Christmas preparations and the northern hemisphere grows darker each day, we gather to hear John the Baptist urging us to accept God’s good news.
The Readings in the Bible
Scholars judge John the Baptist to have been one of the Jewish eschatological prophets who urged that the people repent in order to escape divine punishment. Yet Luke turns this genre toward Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. To the accounts in Mark and Matthew of John the Baptist’s preaching, the evangelist Luke adds the passage about tax collectors and soldiers, another example of Luke’s benign attitude toward the Roman Empire and his stress on universal salvation.
To ready ourselves for Christ, Luke calls us to repent, bear good fruit, share with the needy, be honest, and live in contentment. Soon the infant Christ will come with the Holy Spirit and fire. And this is (v. 18) “good news,” especially to the poor and dispossessed. However, the contentment that Luke urges on the Christian community in the Roman Empire may strike some contemporary persons as anachronistic quietism. Yet charity and honesty are still bedrocks of Christian ethics.
We also will be reading from the prophet Isaiah this week. Isaiah 12: 2-6.