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Greetings dear followers of Jesus:  I greet you this evening with the great news that Ann Rasmussen is home from Colorado Spring's Memorial hospital!  What a wonderful answer to everyone's prayers.  Vicki R. and Sharon S. are recovering well and so many whom we've been praying for also are sharing good news.   

It's a blessing and honor to pray for one another -- we love the good news but no matter what people's outcomes are, keep praying.  As Paul tells us in Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus."  

The gift of peace is life changing too!  And from Todays Moravian Daily text is this wonderful prayer: "Heavenly Father, thank you for the people you put into our lives to take us under their wings, to offer us examples of how to become better disciples, and to show us the peace that flows from your unconditional love.  For this, O Lord, we give you praise and thanksgiving.  In Jesus name.  Amen.”

I am thankful for each and every one of you!  Thank you for being YOU!

Have a blessed week!  

In love, 

Pastor Andrea


This week (other meetings/gatherings will be taking place as well but here are some things to note):  

  • Tuesday, Feb. 8  Worship and Music committee will be meeting via ZOOM at 1:00pm.  
  • Saturday, Feb. 12  RESCHEDULED!!!  Centering Prayer workshop led by the Contemplative Outreach of Colorado, SE group will be rescheduled to later this year. and follow the link for registration.  
  • Sunday, Feb. 13
    • 8:30 am Sunday morning Bible study on miracles is led by Jeff Smith.  This is session #4 of the new study using Lee Strobel's book "The Miracle Answer Book."  Come in person or join via ZOOM
      Or Dial 1 312 626 6799  Meeting ID: 907 628 370  Passcode: 332397. Contact Jeff Smith if you would like the handouts from last week.  
    • 10 am Worship with Holy Communion  Join us, either in person OR via ZOOM ('hybrid' worship).  If you will be worshiping via zoom, log on or call in using these links:  OR Dial   +1 301 715 8592     Meeting ID: 917 3921 4242.   Password: 731771.   For those of you who will be worshiping in person, masks will be required indoors.  Please bring your own, thanks!
    • Worship leaders:  Pastor Andrea Doeden;  Assistant:  Lisa Rygiel;  Organist:  Connie Pallone;  Ushering: Mary McKenna and Jo Moss;  Reading:  Pamela Serafini;  Communion prep/cleanup: the Pierce family
    • Flowers are from Andrea in gratitude for health and from Zion's parish in gratitude for her being our Pastor for 10 years.
    • Fellowship after worship (approx. 11:10 a.m.) in the fellowship hall.  Gather after worship for wonderful conversation! 
    • Bread & Belonging is our high school/college ministry that gathers each Sunday night from 6-8 p.m. in the lower level of the fellowship hall.  This week's study is on women in the bible


Prayer List:  

Galatians 6:2: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

In prayer, we ask in His name: Comfort for those in mourning, including family and friends of:  Mary Lee Lewis, whose son died in auto accident; Dave Barr (wife Elaine is member of Chorale);  Max Phillips (friend of Mark & Jo Moss).

We pray for and surround with God's protection the military and civilians around the world in harm's way — especially those in the Emirates, Afghanistan, and Ukraine; and police and other first responders in our country. We lift up leaders in our community, our country, and in the world that peace may prevail and wise decisions be made.


We also pray for Julie Wersal (back surgery Feb. 9); Erin's son, Woody; Carter Sanchez McDonald (1-month old — open heart surgery); the Serafini family; Pete Gimmer; Allison Dearman; Carol Schuzkump's nephew Brent Kaping who has hospitalized in the ICU; Ann Rasmussen; Floyd & Margaret Gumke; Vicki Rienks; AC (Doris' uncle); Jill Wilson; Michelle Ramirez; Gregory Weida; Cindy Rodriguez; Dale Krueger due to his foot and leg;  Mike Blackmore; Cora Warrick & son Tyler; Carol Schulzkump, her son Kris and daughter-in-law Ana; JoAnn's sister Beth; Steve Karspeck's sister-in-law Deena; Wilmae & Sherry Gartside; Lisa Rygiel's parents; Loren Eigenburg; and the Sandstead family.


We surround with prayers those battling cancer, including Anna Marie; Polly (Ruthie's friend); Jeanine Tapia; Rick Barian (Lynn's friend); Rick Spaulding (Paula's brother-in-law); Gary Miller; Marci Guard; Lynn's brother Kenny; Nancy Wilhelm (Ernie & Sharon's family member); Linda Bounds; Jo Moss' cousin Virginia; Dr. Mark Jacobson; Linda Theige's brother-in-law Pastor Bob; and Francis Baldwin (friend of Mark & Jo Moss). We also pray for those affected by COVID, including the Gumkes; the Maucione family; and Melissa Lucero (cleans our facility and teaches at Head Start).


Our prayers continue for Wal-reat (missionary in Sudan we support financially through Global Missions); The Way ministry; ACTS ministry; and the prison congregation New Beginnings and Pastor Schjang.


Other announcements/dates to put on your calendar:

Yesterday's worship service can be viewed by following this link: (Passcode: 0Ar#Ri0?) The sermon begins at minute 16:25.   Zion's Annual meeting was recorded too and can be watched at (Passcode: 4l2B=%2S)

  1. The women's bible study is using Amy-Jill Levine's SERMON ON THE MOUNT and meets next on Feb. 18, discussing Chapter 2 of the book — (Matthew 5: 13-48).  The study meets every other Friday downstairs from 9:30-11 a.m. in person or via Zoom at: or phone in by dialing 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 831 3642 4723 Passcode: 865505. All women are invited to join in.  Please purchase your own copy of the book and, if desired, the companion 40-Days with the Sermon on the Mount (this book is complementary but not required).  This study is more of a book study so as part of six sessions we will gather and discuss the book, watch a video of Dr. Levine. Carol Smith leads the study. 
  2. The flower ministry continues to bless our worship as well as those who receive the flowers after church.  Lynn Chase has put the new 2022 calendar in the back of the sanctuary.  Please sign up to sponsor the flowers this year.  
  3. Dick R. took a prayer shawl to Ann and it blessed her!  She felt our prayers as have so many who have received our prayer shawls.  Are you interested in knitting one/some to share?  Joni Jones knits most of ours and I'm sure would welcome help.  We have both knitting and crocheting patterns.  It's a great activity while watching the Olympics ;-)



In the gospel this coming Sunday, Jesus says, “Woe to you who are laughing now.” What can this mean for us? Come to worship, to hear, to pray, to sing, to eat and drink.

The Readings in the Bible

Luke 6:17-26

Luke’s masterful rhetorical technique is evidenced in the parallelisms of Woes he has added to four of the Blesseds of Matthew 5: poor (v. 20) and rich (24), hungry (21) and full (25), weep (21) and laugh (25), hate (22) and speak well (26). The omitted Blesseds are elsewhere in Luke. Luke situates the Beatitudes, not on Matthew’s mountain for church leaders, but on a plain, accessible to the crowds: Matthew’s “the poor” becomes “you poor.” The poor and needy whom Jesus heals (vv. 18-19) are those he addresses with eschatological hope. The Greek makarioi (blessed) is a congratulatory exclamation. Luke understands that Jesus’ followers must expect to be rejected, as was Jesus.

Jeremiah 17:5-10

Much of the book of Jeremiah records the adventures and sermons of Jeremiah, who from about 626–586 bce urged the Israelites to return to faithful obedience to the covenant in order to avoid divine punishment and political defeat. The literary passage of curses and blessings has close parallels in the aphorisms of later Wisdom literature, while attention to the human heart (vv. 9-10) is characteristic of the prophets, who call for more than exterior adherence to the law.

1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Having listed those believers to whom the risen Christ has appeared, Paul, writing to the church in Corinth in 54, continues his discussion of the resurrection: in the parousia at the end of time, all who are in Christ will be raised from death, as was Christ. Christ’s resurrection was the beginning of the end, the first growth of a new creation. For Paul, the death of Christ is vindicated in his resurrection.