Hello, Lisa Rygiel here with this week’s e-formation.
I woke up this morning to a cool, rainy morning and I must admit, it was hard to get out of bed and face the day. The last few weeks have been tumultuous, and I just didn’t feel receptive to a cold rainy Monday! However, our parched landscape needs this slow soaking moisture. This type of rain is a blessing, a kindness to our high desert region. Not too much, not too fast, just a nice steady soaking.
Now is a prickly time. As Becky stated in her sermon yesterday, our nation is probably more divided now than it has been at any time since the civil war. It is hard to watch the news and see the polarization. Looking at social media is downright depressing.
However, as the Lord sends this kindness of rain to our thirsty landscape, we too can offer others a kindness by being kind to one another. Kindness is something our world is desperate for. With growing fears and anxieties, everyone could use a kind word or gesture. As Christians, God calls us to be the light in the world - to love and be kind to all, even our enemies! Being kind is a choice. Sometimes, when we feel happy or generous, we find it easy to be kind. Other times, when we are discouraged, or tired, irritated or downright angry, we can scarcely summon the energy to utter a single kind word. But God’s will is clear. He intends that we make the conscious choice to treat others with kindness and respect, no matter our circumstances or emotions.
Colossians 3:12 tells us that “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Ephesians 4:32 tells us to “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are hallmarks of our Christian faith. So, this week, in the honor of the One who first showed compassion to us, let us show kindness to others. Let us drip kindness down upon one another so that the love of God shines through and thirsty souls are revived!
This week (other meetings/gatherings will be taking place as well but here are some things to note):
Wednesday, June 29, Pastor Kate arrives! Pr. Kate and her dog Koi will be residing in the parsonage section downstairs from the fellowship hall. Note that her personal space is indicated by signage on the doors. Please limit any church related meetings, etc., to the Blue Room downstairs or use the fellowship hall, thank you.
Sunday July 3, The 4th Sunday after Pentecost
We offer a gracious and heartfelt welcome to our Interim Pastor Kate Schlechter! We will, of course, engage in a time-honored Lutheran tradition, Sunday Potluck! Bring something to share and join us as we get to know Pastor Kate a bit better during fellowship following worship!
· 8:30 a.m. Sunday morning Bible study
We are studying "The Wesley Challenge". This is a study intended to develop our spiritual lives and help us become more deeply committed Christians.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/907628370?pwd=eFVCTEVhb0xqMXcxY2xaUG5JMUZEdz09 Or Dial 1 312 626 6799 Meeting ID: 907 628 370 Passcode: 332397.
· 10 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion
Please join us, either in person OR via ZOOM ('hybrid' worship). If you will be worshiping via Zoom, log on or call in using these links: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/91739214242?pwd=b1QrZzk0QzBtM1RXZnZuaVFVMDNmZz09 -- or Dial: 1 301 715 8592 -- Meeting ID: 917 3921 4242 -- Password: 731771. For those of you who will be worshiping in person, masks will now be at the discretion of each individual. We continue to be mindful all the different ways people are compromised that may not be known and so please continue to practice healthy community habits such as staying home when you are sick etc.
Worship leader: Pastor Kate Schlechter;
Assistant: Julie Wersal;
Organist: Connie Pallone;
Ushering: Dick and Ann Rasmussen;
Reading: Jo Moss;
Communion prep/cleanup: Jo Moss/Hailey Bearden
Flowers: Donated by Melodie Lanosga in gratitude for the church prayer chain and all who pray.
· Fellowship time at approximately 11:15 a.m. for Sunday Potluck!
· Bread and Belonging on summer hiatus.
Other important stuff of note:
1. We are looking to add members to the security committee! These volunteers would monitor the sanctuary door and check that doors in the fellowship hall are locked during services and after everyone has left. Please see Jeff Smith or any member of council if you would be interested.
2. Women's Bible Study: The Women's Bible Study series on the Psalms. The next session will be held Friday, July 8 at 9:30. am. We will meet in person in the fellowship hall downstairs and will also be on Zoom. Any questions can be directed to Becky McNeil or Carol Smith. All are welcome! To Join Zoom Meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83136424723?pwd=TkxsQVllMmo2bVlSekN0dGZqbzF1Zz09 Meeting ID: 831 3642 4723 Passcode: 865505 (or call in 1-312-626-6799).
3. The flower ministry blesses our worship space, and they bring such joy to our sanctuary. Please coordinate with Lynn Chase to sponsor the flowers.
4. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Are you interested in knitting one/some to share? Join the knitters who bless so many.
5. If you wish to receive a link to yesterday’s sermon, please contact Jo Moss.
In the gospel reading for this coming Sunday, Jesus sends out seventy disciples to spread the word of salvation. Come to worship to hear the story; gather at the feet of Jesus; and then be sent out as an emissary for Christ in your daily life.
The Readings in the Bible
Luke 10: 1-11, 16- 20
This excerpt, an expansion on the sending of the twelve (Luke 9:1-6), fits better in the early church’s missionary movement, when Luke wrote in the 80s, than during the lifetime of Jesus. However, in Luke’s gospel, the seventy join Jesus in his journey. Some manuscripts read seventy-two, some seventy: both numbers carry several symbolic references. Not carrying a purse and not returning greetings suggest the urgency of the missionary task. Jewish dietary laws no longer have force (v. 9). The book of Acts continues Luke’s theme that the disciples now have Jesus’ power to heal and exorcize. The reference to the legend of the fall of Satan (see Rev. 12:9) both indicates Jesus’ eternal knowledge and offers a religious framework to explain the exorcizing powers in the missionary movement.
Isaiah 66: 10-14
In the last chapter of third Isaiah is a lush poetic description of the future Jerusalem, rebuilt after its destruction. Common in ancient Near Eastern literature is the sexual image of the city as the female into which the male god enters. (See for example Psalm 46:5.) Here, in a passage begun in 66:7, the city is instead a nursing mother, and in verse 13, the mother image is applied also Israel’s God, who will comfort the returning remnant, although still being enraged at the enemy. The perception of the danger of the neighboring goddess cults probably accounts for the rarity of female imagery for YHWH.
Galatians 6:1-6, 7-16
The optional verses 1-6, near the conclusion of Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia composed in the early 50s, include the contradictory messages that Christians are to bear one another’s burdens and that all must carry their own loads. Paul continues his use of the categories of flesh and spirit. The harvest time refers to Paul’s belief in the imminent eschaton (end of the world). The Christian freedom which this letter has described, perhaps ironically called “the law of Christ,” is centered in the cross and the new creation, rather than in religious obligations such as circumcision required by the Torah. Yet in Christian freedom we are to attend to the needs of others. Paul’s reference to his own handwriting suggests that he normally engaged a secretary or scribe.
Zion's Lutheran Church