Dear friends,
The season of Lent is one of my favorites because of the time to reflect on the gift of life that we have because of Christ as well as the wonderful gifts creation gives us (think moisture, more daylight, springtime...).
This morning I used a video meditation that was just lovely and so perfect to start my day so, although I wanted to share it with you, I cant find it to save my life! I've searched the website and my phone and laptop history and I guess it was the Holy Spirit's personal message to me!
But I hope you follow the link to the above noted website and enjoy one of their guided meditations too! Brother David Steindl-Rast is so encouraging and has a great accent! I was so grateful to have started my day in this way because I needed a bit of ZEN as I wandered through the muck of chemo insurance authorization as I travel this next section of my cancer camino. (Thankfully it worked out and I begin chemo tomorrow morning in Colorado Springs).
What threatened to challenge your peace today? Were you able to live this day as if it was both your first and last (from the meditation)? Where were you able to share the blessings and joy? You sure share it with me so I imagine you did! Keep it up.
The world needs more hope, love, blessing, and joy! Have a wonderful week dear friends. Know you are loved and you love well. And you and I are also enough, just as we are.
In peace and love, Pastor Andrea
This week:
(other meetings/gatherings will be taking place as well but here are some things to note)
Tuesday, March 15th April newsletter deadline (submissions due to Jo Moss)
Thursday, March 17th St Patrick's Day
Friday, March 18th at 9:30 a.m. we continue our Women's Bible Study on "The Sermon on the Mount" using Amy-Jill Levine's book. Join us in person downstairs of the Fellowship Hall or by zoom. Questions — contact Carol Smith. We shall be discussing Chapter 4 of the book — (focusing on the Lord's Prayer). If you wish to watch the videos that accompany the studies, go to Amplify, use the church email and the password is praynow4Covid19. Join by Zoom: or phone in by dialing 1-312-626-6799 Meeting ID: 831 3642 4723 Passcode: 865505
NO MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR FLOYD GUMKE (We will celebrate his life on March 26th)
Sunday, March 20th The Third Sunday in Lent
Other announcements/dates to put on your calendar:
Zion's Church Council Notes
Zion's Church Council met after worship on Sunday, March 13. All reports were approved. Income for the month of February was $16,410 which included a $5,000 budgeted transfer from the trust account, $5,926 from offering donations, and $3,730 for the Food Ministry/5 Loaves (thanks to a grant we received from Las Animas County). Expenses were $9,037 which included $693 in benevolence items, $733 for utilities, and $906 for insurance. Average attendance, including those on Zoom, was 45.
The Welcoming Committee is in the process of making the bathrooms and sanctuary more user-friendly by installing a changing table into the family bathroom located just inside of the door. Plans are to have two of the pews cut down to allow for wheelchair access in the sanctuary. We thank John Rygiel for doing this with his professional commercial wood shop. We are working on designing a handicap-accessible ramp of some type to the lower level.
Carol Schulzkump and Lisa Rygiel will be attending the Synod Assembly in Loveland on May 9-11. The theme is The Rhythm of the Saints, a gathering to "equip the saints for the work of service, for the sake of renewal and encouragement to continue the work of ministry".
Council will be meeting with two other insurance companies to review our existing policy and to see if we can get a better rate.
Bishop Gonia joined our meeting and expressed his support for Pastor Andrea and our congregation as she continues with her cancer diagnosis and care chemo. We will continue to help her day-by-day with time off and whatever help she needs as our beloved Pastor. Bishop Gonia will be in Trinidad on April 24 for a special service to honor Pastor Andrea and her ministry at Zion's.
Blessings, Julie Wersal. Council President
Some Christians imagine either themselves or other people to be no more than barren trees that might as well be uprooted and discarded. Come to worship this Sunday, and hear what the gardener says about barren trees.
The Readings in the Bible
Luke, who wrote his gospel in perhaps 85 ce for an especially Gentile audience, dedicates chapters 9:51—19:28 to Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem, the city which Luke sees as the starting point for the Christian mission. Pilate had slain some Jews while they were sacrificing in the temple, and Luke, a consummate narrator, uses this event to prefigure the sacrificial death of Jesus himself. Jesus’ words urging his followers to repentance and amendment of life fit well with Luke’s repeated emphasis on forgiveness. Fig trees, which required little rain, were prized for both sweet fruit and welcome shade. Luke has turned the narrative in Mark and Matthew of Jesus cursing the barren fig tree into a parable about God’s mercy.
Written to the Christians in Corinth in about 54 ce, Paul’s letter answers specific questions that have arisen in the community about life style and communal worship, and he urges the Corinthians to live in cooperative love for one another. In this passage, Paul offers a Christian interpretation of Israel’s history, which tended to view disasters as divine punishment for sin. Yet for Paul, God’s faithfulness gives comfort. Verse 4 refers to the Jewish legend that the rock that miraculously gave forth water followed the Israelites during their nomadic years, thus perpetually providing the people with water.