Hello dear brothers and sisters of Christ. Pamela Nelson-Serafini here this week as our dear sister, Lisa Rygiel recuperates at home from surgery. It all went well, and she should be back in the swing of things soon.
This coming Sunday marks 50 days after Easter. In fact, the word ‘Pentecost’ actually translates to the number ‘50’. Yes! The day of Pentecost is upon us, and we are asked to wear red for this Sunday.
Pentecost! The day when the Holy Spirit sent tongues of fire that rested on each of disciple's head and they began to speak in “tongues” so everyone understood each other. As most of us know, that is sometimes difficult even when you do speak the same language.
I came across this article that I thought I would share from GodSpace by “John van de Laar”:
The Pentecost Sunday celebration is a pivot point in the Church Calendar. It’s mostly celebrated as a stand-alone event, but it marks a significant shift. This is the day we move from the first half of the year, where the focus is on Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection, to the second half, where we focus on how to live as Jesus did. The gift of Spirit at Pentecost is the gift of sight to see the Wonderland of God’s reign. It’s the gift of longing to see that world become a reality among us. It’s the gift of courage and strength to begin to live the way of Christ here and now. And for me, there is great value in celebrating Pentecost as a season rather than just an event.
As we open our hearts and lives to a renewed encounter with Spirit so we are taken deeper down the rabbit hole. As our sight is awakened again to the presence and activity of the Spirit within us, around us, and among us, so we are empowered a little more to collaborate with God in healing our world. And that doesn’t need just a single day. It requires months of intentional practice to allow God’s reign to become the primary reality within which we live. And that’s why I like to think of Ordinary Time as the ‘season of the Spirit’. Pentecost is simply the portal through which we enter a life shaped by the message and mission of Christ.
It’s not that the Spirit leads us out of our human world into some spiritual enclave where we can stay separate from the chaos and mess of ordinary life. It’s that we can live in the reign of God in the midst of our regular routines. We play, work, and rest as all people do. We have our homes, families, and friendships like everyone else. Like them, we vote, pay taxes, and follow the laws of our home country. But at the same time, we see the world differently, embrace different values, priorities, and purposes, and live by different ‘rules’, hopes, and dreams. As we go through our daily routines like our neighbors, our lives are shaped by eternal realities. This is what it means to live in God’s reign.
As we celebrate Pentecost this year in a world broken by war, pandemic, climate change, economic inequality, and power imbalances, may we receive again the gift of being born of the Spirit so that we may see God’s reign and embody its truth in every moment and every place.”
As I end this, let me say:
May the Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit fill you with the Love and Grace for your neighbor. May you hear the same language, speak words of wisdom and embrace the fact that we are no longer strangers but the Beloved Children of God, called to Love one another, Feed the hungry, House the poor, not just those that are like us but, especially those that are not.
Blessings to you All
~ Pamela Nelson-Serafini
This week (other meetings/gatherings will be taking place as well but here are some things to note):
Sunday June 5, Pentecost
If you will be worshiping via Zoom, log on or call in using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/91739214242?pwd=b1QrZzk0QzBtM1RXZnZuaVFVMDNmZz09 -- or Dial: 1 301 715 8592 -- Meeting ID: 917 3921 4242 -- Password: 731771. For those of you who will be worshiping in person, masks will now be at the discretion of each individual. We continue to be mindful all the different ways people are compromised that may not be known and so please continue to practice healthy community habits such as staying home when you are sick etc.
Worship leader: Supply Pastor Mark Patzke
Assistant: Julie Wersal;
Pianist: Melodie Lanosga;
Ushering: Kathy Broman & Doris Blalock;
Reading: Kathy Broman;
Communion prep/cleanup: David Serafini & Pamela Nelson-Serafini
Flowers: Presented by Jo Moss in celebration of Mark's birthday, of Andrea Doeden's birthday, and in celebration of Pentecost.
Other important stuff of note:
This day marks the end of our seasons, from Advent through Christmas and Epiphany, Ordinary Time to Lent and to Easter. We now enter the second half of the year until Reign of Christ Sunday in November. This is the season in which we experience and know the Holy Spirit continues to abide in us and be at work in our world. Pentecost is a great celebration, the birthday of the church, and a reminder of who we are and who we can be: a people filled and led by the Holy Spirit to include everyone, to be passionate for God in this world, and to rejoice and celebrate that God always has the final word and that word is one that begins everything new again (Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell)
The Readings in the Bible: Pentecost
On Pentecost, we celebrate that we have been given an Advocate to accompany us. Poured out in wind and fire, water, wine, and bread, the Holy Spirit abides in and among us. We give thanks that God speaks to each of us, no matter our origins, language, or life path. Filled with the Spirit of truth, we go out from worship to proclaim the saving power of Christ’s love and the freedom of God’s grace with all the world.
Acts 2:1-21
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his disciples they would be filled with the Holy Spirit. Now, amid signs of fire, wind, and a variety of languages, the people were amazed and astonished at Jesus’ promise coming true.
Romans 8:14-17
Here Paul speaks about the mystery of baptism: through the Holy Spirit we are claimed, gathered, and welcomed into Christ’s body, the church. And we receive a new name in our adoption: child of God.
John 14:8-17 [25-27]
Though the disciples struggle with Jesus’ nature and identity, they receive the promise that they too will be identified with God and God’s mission. Though he must leave them now, Jesus promises the coming of the Advocate whom God will send to comfort and enlighten them.
Zion's Lutheran Church