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Zion’s Lutheran and Justice Issues

By Vicar Lisa

   “Prepare a paper on ministry in your context, including vision, mission, profile, and goals for your congregation/ministry that would intentionally engage in evangelism and justice issues relevant to your ministry context.”

That was my final paper assignment for my Ministry in Context Class.  Interesting assignment!  I had really hoped that our Transition Team would go through some sort of time/space continuum (Star Trek talk) and provide me with some assistance but, time was not on my side!  Fortunately, though, I didn’t have to look too far to come up with some great examples of how we at Zion’s Lutheran intentionally engage in justice issues, just look at how we minister to our community! 

We work with the homeless through The Way Ministry. We support ACTS (Assisting our Community Through Service), which stewards resources to help those in need in our community. We also support the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and several of our members have been acting as sponsors to families that immigrated from Afghanistan. Another mission we support is allowing The Way ministry to use our fellowship hall during times of extreme adverse winter weather conditions as we continue to advocate to the city for a more permanent and satisfactory solution. We can be proud of the way we look after our community.

Justice is something we are called to do.  We have power with God by our actions toward people, especially the poor and the marginalized.  Justice is a core biblical theme.  Psalm 103:6 states, “the Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.”  And, he does that work through us, Gods Work, Our Hands.

So, as we approach our Annual Community Thanksgiving, do so with a merciful heart of “doing justice”. Because of God’s mercy and grace, we are accepted as we are and are now free to work at being the people God created us to be!  Share that Good News with others through word and deed!

He has shown all you people what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you? 

To act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)



All Hands On Deck!! Your Thawed Turkeys and Knives Are Needed!

This Saturday, Nov. 19, we will again deep fry turkeys for the Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner.  As of Tuesday morning, we are short on turkeys!  We need around 15 to 20 more THAWED Turkeys, in the 15 – 18 pound range to fry up on Saturday.  If you can thaw them at your place and bring them on Saturday, great. If you need to, call Julie, she can pick up from you if necessary. 

As in years past, Bill Winter will set up in our patio area early in the morning and have the first batch of 8 ready to be cut up beginning around 9:30am.  Last year we were able to prepare 62 turkeys !!  If you have time during the day please drop by the fellowship hall to help with cutting up and bagging cooked turkey.  Bring your apron and sharp knives!  We will have freshly fried turkeys ready throughout the day, so come when you can. 

Sunday, Nov. 20, the 24th Sunday After Pentecost/Christ the King Sunday

8:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Bible study
Bible study has been concluded for the calendar year. Our next study will resume in January.

10 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion & Special Healing Service
Please join us, either in person OR via ZOOM ('hybrid' worship). If you will be worshiping via Zoom, log on or call in using these links:, Meeting ID: 815 3517 4862, Passcode: 155280 or dial +1 719 359 4580 US.

Flowers: Donated by Doris for her son’s birthday

Fellowship time at approximately 11:15 a.m. Please join us for coffee, tea and chatter!

Thanksgiving is Coming!

  • We need many food items and assistance for our Community Thanksgiving Dinner. If you can donate food, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall or contact Norine Hazen. Also contact Norine know if you can help with food service on Thanksgiving Day.  If you can help deliver, please let Jo Moss know.  Or just send the church an email to and let us know how you can help.
  • Monetary donations are welcomed as well and designated offerings can be donated via Tithely, by placing your designated donation in the offering plate, or given directly to Norine Hazen or Joni Jones.
  • Also note, Turkey Bucks designated for Zion’s Thanksgiving Dinner can be purchased upon checkout at Safeway!


Coats, Blankets, Socks, and Mittens Collection

Everyone needs to stay warm this winter, but some people need a little extra help, so during November, Zion’s will collect coats, blankets, socks, and gloves or mittens. We will then donate these items to members of our community who are in need, including the people served by Pastor Clay and the Way Ministry. 

Our collection runs Nov. 1 to 20. If you can donate, bring your items to the Fellowship Hall. And, if you know someone in need, call or email the church and leave a message with the person's name, address, phone number, and need(s).    

Blue Christmas:  On Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022, at 5:30 p.m., Zion’s will offer a special Blue Christmas service in our church sanctuary. A Blue Christmas service provides a quiet and contemplative worship service as an alternative to more traditional gatherings.  This is in honor of those who are experiencing grief and struggling with loss.  All are welcome. Invite your family and friends.


Other Information:

  • The Flower Chart has been replaced by the Flower Book.  This will be located in the back of the sanctuary on the bulletin table.  There are several weeks still available this year.  If you wish to sign up, you can use an envelope in the book and place it into the offering plate.
  • The Transition Team meets at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 17, in the Blue room. If there is inclement weather, we will set up a Zoom call.
  • Women’s Bible Study has concluded for the calendar year


This coming Sunday we will close our liturgical year with a celebration of Christ as our king. Come to worship, where together we encounter Christ reigning from his cross with mercy for us all. 

Luke 23:33-43

This passage is particularly appropriate for the celebration of the reign of Christ. The Roman authorities claim that they have executed the purported king of the Jews, and the thief asks Jesus for entrance into his kingdom. Christ is king when he reigns from the cross, forgiving our sins.

Jeremiah 23:1-6

Christians interpret this passage as a description of Jesus Christ, who reigns wisely and executes justice. The Hebrew of verse 6 refers to YHWH God, that is, the Lord, as the embodiment of righteousness, and Christians transfer to the Risen Christ the honorific “Lord,” who reigns as king from the cross.

Colossians 1:11-20

The reading from Colossians is most appropriate to celebrate the sovereign Christ: all other thrones or rulers were created through his power and for him alone. As an ideal king would be imagined, Christ holds all things together, has first place in everything, embodies God, and makes peace on earth. God is the strength from which the people derive their strength.


Zion's Lutheran Church
