Martin Luther On the New Testament
By Vicar Lisa
With Reformation Sunday approaching and my official installation as Vicar scheduled for the same day, I can’t help but think of something that Pastor Andrea texted me recently. She mentioned that she always thinks of the Reformation as the work of Re-Forming the church and the people of God. And that is exactly what we are doing at Zion's. We are transitioning and re-forming ourselves to serve God and our community. And to be successful in that effort, it is always helpful to rely on the Word of God to guide us in that effort.
I read in the September 2022 online version of Living Lutheran that Martin Luther published which included “A Brief Instruction on What to Look for and Expect in the Gospels” (1522).
Luther writes: “The chief article and foundation of the gospel is that before you take Christ as an example, you accept and recognize him as a gift, as a present that God has given you and that is your own. This means when you see or hear of Christ doing or suffering something, you do not doubt that Christ himself, with his deeds and suffering, belongs to you. On this you may depend….
See, this is what it means to have a proper grasp of the gospel, that is, of the overwhelming goodness of God, which neither prophet, nor apostle, nor angel was ever able fully to express, and which no heart could adequately fathom or marvel at. This is the great fire of the love of God for us” (Luther’s Works,Vol. 35).
As we transition and re-form, let us gain peace and strength from that “great fire” of God’s love. Visualize it, hold onto it, internalize it, cling to it!
“…we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:37b – 39)
This week (other meetings/gatherings will be taking place as well but here are some things to note):
Sunday October 30, 2022, Reformation Sunday, Wear Red!
8:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Bible study
Bible study has been concluded for the calendar year. Our next study will resume in January.
10 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion
Please join us, either in person OR via ZOOM ('hybrid' worship). If you will be worshiping via Zoom, log on or call in using these links:, Meeting ID: 815 3517 4862, Passcode: 155280 or dial +1 719 359 4580 US.
Flowers: Donated by Pastor Andrea in honor of Pastor Kate for Pastor Appreciation month and Reformation
Fellowship time at approximately 11:15 a.m. Please join us for everybody’s favorite – Potluck! Please bring something to share!
Loss and Grieving Classes:
Zion Lutheran will be hosting a Loss and Grieving Course led by Rev. Kate Schlechter and Pamela Serafini. The changing of the seasons and the approach of the holidays may trigger in us a feeling of loss, even grief in many of us. No one is immune from the sadness that comes from losing someone dear or something dear to us: a friend, a pet, a home, a job, a relationship severed by death or divorce.
The purpose of this course is to explore how we can move forward. To move forward with peace and hope is truly different than, “moving on”. This 6-week course will support you as you traverse a pathway through your own personal loss and grief. The course is free. Donations to cover handouts are welcome. All Are Welcome. The classes will be held on Wednesday Mornings: 10:30am to Noon on November 2, 9, 16, 30 and Dec 7 and 14. A ZOOM option will be available. The classes are a safe space and no religious affiliation is required. The group will be closed once the course begins. For reservations, call (719) 846-7785 to sign up and for more information. Please leave your name and phone number if no one answers and we will return your call. This voicemail is confidential.
Blue Christmas: On Tuesday Dec 13, 2022, at 5:30pm, Zions will offer a special Blue Christmas service in our church sanctuary. A Blue Christmas service provides a quiet and contemplative worship service as an alternative to more traditional gatherings. This is in honor of those who are experiencing grief and struggling with loss. All are welcome. Invite your family and friends.
Other Information:
Come to worship this coming Sunday, celebrate our re-formation.
Luke 19:1-10
We join with Zacchaeus, hiding up in the tree of the cross, and Jesus invites himself into our house to eat with us. The Son of Man will judge us at the end of time, and with Zacchaeus we amend our lives that are too often marked by self-centeredness and fraud.
Isaiah 1:10-18
This rhetorically powerful passage from Isaiah 1 is set beside the narrative of Zacchaeus because both call for believers to live in justice to the poor and both offer forgiveness to sinners. God’s judgment always comes tandem with divine forgiveness.
2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12
The lectionary now begins three weeks of selections from 2 Thessalonians. Along with the first-century church in Thessalonica, we now give thanks to God, and we strive to live in steadfastness and faith. All of us have a call (v. 11) from baptism, to give glory to Jesus Christ.
Zion's Lutheran Church