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Spirit Like a Dove

By Vicar Lisa

Last Sunday, we heard of the baptism of Jesus from the account in Matthew. This week, we will hear of the account from the book of John. Both use the same imagery of the Holy Spirit descending like a dove.

As a birdwatcher, there are very few birds I dislike, maybe nest parasites like cowbirds.…Vultures are kind of nasty but even they have a function in this world! However, when I think of some of my favorite families of birds, I do admit, I am quite fond of doves. Be they Mourning doves with their sad mourning calls, White-winged doves who cry “who-cooks-for-you”, Inca Doves with their scalloped plumage, or our local Collared Doves whose wings whistle as they fly...They seem so gentle, so sweet natured. I love doves.

When I think of the Holy Spirit descending like a dove, I think of those moments our hope is rekindled. Do you remember another Biblical story concerning a dove? After the flood in Genesis, Noah sent forth a dove after the 40 days of rain, hoping that the dove could find a place to land, indicating the floodwaters had receded. However, after the first release, the dove returned to Noah. Then, when sent again in seven days, the dove returned with a freshly plucked olive leaf!

Sometimes, we feel like that dove, surveying, looking for a place to land. It may seem like we do not have a place to go or a clear direction forward. The floodwaters are too high. However, even in those times, the Spirit will come to us in pulsing tremors of raw energy like lightning, or moments of serenity like seeing a stunning rainbow, or we see the flash of a beautiful bird that takes our breath away. And then we know — there’s life out there!

The Spirit comes to us in well-timed offers of help, or in a story that inspires us, or in a delicious meal, and we remember, the world is still beautiful. We glimpse our reason for hope – God’s ultimate faithfulness and a love that no flood can drown! God’s promises are reinforced and God’s Spirit comes like a dove at the end of a long and terrible flood. This Holy Spirit is a sign that God will help us start again. Keep your eyes open for the freshly plucked olive leaf!

Sunday Jan. 15, 2nd Sunday After Epiphany 

10 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion


Please join us, either in person OR via ZOOM ('hybrid' worship). If you will be worshiping via Zoom, log on or call in using these links:

Meeting ID: 858 8997 7831, Passcode: 538710, +1 719 359 4580 US


Adult Education: At Sunday School at 8:30 a.m., we just began a study of Luther’s Small Catechism. If you are new to the Lutheran faith, considering membership or baptism, or just want a refresher study, please consider joining us. You can also join us via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 823 4058 1969, Passcode: 938515, Dial by your location, 1 719 359 4580 US

Church Council Meeting Notes:

Zion's Lutheran church council met on Sunday, Jan. 8. The financial reports were reviewed. Income for the month of December was $10,307. In addition, a $5000 transfer was made from the trust fund. Total expenses were $10,338. Included in income and expense figures was $1,141 collected for The Way ministries during Christmas.

The proposed 2023 budget was reviewed in detail so that we could minimize proposed spending where we can in order to reduce the impact to the trust during this time of economic downturn. Reductions will be made by reducing the money spent on cleaning services, repairs and maintenance, floral arrangements, synod assembly attendance, and conferences.

The Transition Team will present their report to council on Jan. 29. We will gather to watch a video on stewardship at 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan 30. Any interested member of the congregation may attend. Jeff Smith has purchased a device to connect to the Ring system to use as a smoke detector/alarm in the sanctuary.

Plans are being made for a once-a-month bible study to be held after church on the First Sunday of each month during fellowship time. Sunday morning bible study and Friday Women's bible study have resumed. Changing the times of services and Bible study were discussed but we will continue with the current times for now, may reconsider for spring.

Church council spent several hours reviewing the 2023 proposed budget. The final draft will be available prior to the meeting and will be sent out via email around the Jan. 25. Hard copies will be available at the church on or around the Jan. 29. The annual meeting will be held on Feb. 5 after a potluck lunch.

If anyone would like to serve on the church council, or any other committee, please see Julie Wersal or Vicar Lisa.

We would like to thank Mary McKenna, Cherie Holder, Paula Little and Lynn Chase for the great job cleaning the lower level of the fellowship hall last week !

Julie Wersal, Council President

Centering Prayer: Many of you participated in Centering Prayer sessions in the past. Some of our members have requested that we consider participating in another event. There is an Introduction Centering Prayer session for free available through the Contemplative Outreach of Colorado scheduled for January 14. If you are interested in participating, please register at the link above. If we get sufficient interest, we may consider sponsoring a group from Zion’s to participate.

Save the Date: Feb. 5 is Zion's Annual Meeting, watch your email, E-formation, bulletins and newsletters, for updates and information.

For Your Reading Pleasure: The new Portals of Prayer and the January Newsletter are available in the back of the sanctuary.

Flower Guild: The Flower Chart has been replaced by the Flower Book, located in the back of the sanctuary. Now is the time to sign up for Sundays in 2023, many dates fill quickly so volunteer now. Sign up and use the envelopes in the book for your flower donation, which can be placed in the offering plate.


Second Sunday after Epiphany

Last Sunday we heard Matthew’s version of the baptism of Jesus, and this coming Sunday we hear the story from John’s gospel. Listen for all the titles of Jesus that the evangelist John includes in his telling of the story. Like Andrew and Simon Peter, we too are called to the side of this Lamb of God.

The standard Sundays of the year week by week present the meaning and presence of Christ and describe the Christian life. On this Sunday, John’s presentation of Jesus’ baptism enhances the one proclaimed from Matthew last week with more titles indicating Christ’s identity.

John 1:29-42

As is often the case, John’s gospel presents a more developed Christology than do the synoptic gospels. John’s account of Jesus’ baptism develops the meaning of the baptism by providing more Christological titles. Christ is the sacrificial lamb, the teacher from God, and the one anointed to save the world.

Isaiah 49:1-7

The second Servant Song is appointed for this day to develop further the meaning of Jesus Christ and the significance of baptism for the Christians. The church has seen in the Servant Songs descriptions of Jesus Christ, who himself is the light of the nations, and has applied this passage also to baptism, as God calls the baptized to be servants to bring light to the world.

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

Over the course of the three years in the weeks between Epiphany and Lent, the lectionary appoints semicontinuous readings from 1 Corinthians, chosen because this seminal letter of Paul describes the communal life expected among believers and calls them to lives of love. Today’s selection speaks of the church as called to be saints who call upon Jesus’ name, one way that Christians have described baptism.


Zion's Lutheran Church
