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Where is the Gideon’s Bible?

By Vicar Lisa

As most of you know, I am away this week on campus at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.  It is always a time filled with much learning, of exploring things I thought I knew in a new way, and humility at how much I do not know.

Yet I digress. Where is the Gideon’s Bible, the one that is supposed to be in my hotel room when I come back to it after a mind-blowing day?  Yes, I have a Bible on my phone, and I can read the word in multiple versions at the click of my thumb.  But yet, there is something about reaching for the written word of God. 

You know the one I mean, tucked away in a drawer in the room, waiting for someone to pull it out in a time of need.  Referencing the index for some topic such as “What to read in times of pain” or whatever else comes to mind.  That is why I was looking for the Gideon’s Bible, I wanted to take a photo of those topics so that I would have them as a ready reference. I have always felt that there is something special about those Gideon’s Bibles. I wonder when I pull it out, who read it before, how did they fare?  Did they get what they needed from the text? 

But the Bible is missing and somehow, I feel cheated.  But maybe someone before me really needed it.  Maybe the word of the living God spoke to them so strongly, that they needed to take it with them.  I pray so.  And I hope they are going through the same process I am, learning things in a new way, and in great humility.


God bless!

Sunday, Jan. 29, 4th Sunday After Epiphany 

10 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion 

Please join us, either in person OR via ZOOM ('hybrid' worship). If you will be worshiping via Zoom, log on or call in using these links:

Meeting ID: 858 8997 7831, Passcode: 538710, +1 719 359 4580 US

Worship Leaders:   Vicar Lisa Rygiel, Mike McNeil

Lector:  Ruthie Culpepper

Zoom Leader(s): Sharon Sorenson and Ernie Parker

Musicians: Connie Pallone

Ushers: Ruthie Culpepper and Carol Schulzkump

Communion: Cheri Holder and Tracy Wahl

Flowers: Given by Lynn Chase in loving memory of our sister Lanae Rossi



Adult Education:  At Sunday School at 8:30 am, we will resume our study of Luther’s Small Catechism.  If you are new to the Lutheran faith, considering membership or baptism, or just want a refresher study, please consider joining us.  You can also join us via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 823 4058 1969, Passcode: 938515, Dial by your location, 1 719 359 4580 US

Church Council:  If anyone would like to serve on the church council, or any other committee, please see Julie or Vicar Lisa. 

5 Loaves:  Reminder!  5 Loaves this weekend. Please get with Norine Hazen or Jo Moss if you can help.

Women’s Bible Study:  Women's Bible Study will resume at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, March 17 in the Fellowship Hall Blue Room (downstairs) and will meet every other Friday. Please direct questions to Carol Smith.

Annual Meeting:  Save the Date: Feb. 5 is Zion's Annual Meeting and a Sunday potluck luncheon. Watch your email, E-formation, bulletins and newsletters, for updates and information.

Wine and Art: Coming in March, Paula Little will reprise her popular Wine & Art event, so plan now to join in. Everyone is welcome!

Flower Guild: The Flower Chart has been replaced by the Flower Book, located in the back of the sanctuary. Now is the time to sign up for Sundays in 2023, many dates fill quickly so volunteer now. Sign up and use the envelopes in the book for your flower donation, which can be placed in the offering plate.


E-formation - Fourth Sunday after Epiphany

The word “Beatitudes” refers to the list of nine “Blessed are they” in this Sunday’s gospel. These words of Jesus are lovely to hear but challenging to embody. Come to worship, where we receive the Spirit to live according to this countercultural worldview.

Matthew 5:1-12

The Beatitudes describe the rigorous values that according to Matthew characterize the Christian life. In the service of the word, we hear Matthew’s description of life within God’s kingdom, and we turn for forgiveness and renewal in the service of holy communion. Jesus Christ is himself the embodiment of the Beatitudes.

Micah 6:1-8

Christians recognize that Jesus’ call to a life of justice follows in the Old Testament tradition, in which prophets spoke God’s word of righteous living to a people who had received God’s saving deeds. The Micah passage parallels the Beatitudes.

1 Corinthians 1:18-21

The cross of Christ represents a paradoxical divine wisdom that is alien to the world’s common understanding of reality. We stand within the righteousness that comes to us through the cross as we hear the stern Sermon on the Mount.


Zion's Lutheran Church
