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Living Among God’s Faithful People

by Vicar Lisa

One of the classes I am taking is Christian Ethics from Professor Cynthia Moe-Lobela. This professor has written a book entitled Public Church. In this book she states that “Living among God’s faithful people in a world of stunning interconnection bids us find and face such questions and challenges, seeking faithful the face of inevitable fears or confusion, may this church be encouraged by recalling why we are a worldwide communion: to further God’s mission in the world through our work together and through mutual edification and support…”

She asks what might we expect as we grow more interdependent and mutually accountable within a worldwide Lutheran communion that is sent to proclaim justification and justice in a world in which death and oppression are the daily fare of many?

She answers that question as follows:

  • To encounter the cross of Jesus Christ and the resurrection in unforeseen forms.
  • To meet the living God in places of profound joy, suffering, brokenness, healing, and liberation.
  • Our worship life to become more unsettling and life-giving.
  • Our theological assumptions to be jostled, honed, and passed through refining fires.
  • Our own doubts, discouragement, and despair, to flare.
  • Our trust in God is deepened.
  • Conflict and vexing cross-cultural miscommunication.
  • Our assumptions about the global economy and our practices of buying, selling, and investing are disrupted.
  • New depths and breadth in our understanding of service, justice, peace, Word, Supper, proclamation…marks of the baptized.
  • Our engagement in United States foreign policy to be requested by our sisters and brothers of the Two-thirds World.
  • The growth of life-giving relationships through which we receive and give the living Christ.
  • Danger, and courage we did not know we had.
  • To be cared for and prayed for abundantly.

Let’s start living!

Serving 19th Sunday After Pentecost -- Sept. 29

10 a.m. Worship with Communion


Council Meeting Notes

Zion's Lutheran Church Council met after worship on Sunday, Sept 22. The secretary's reports were approved along with the Treasurer's and Financial Secretary's report.

Vicar Lisa will be attending seminary in Berkeley California Oct. 21-25. Becky McNeil has agreed to preach on Sunday, Oct. 20.

The outdoor worship and church picnic at Round-up Park on 9/18 went well. We all enjoyed the Orphan Valley Singers.

Peggy Gustafson has volunteered to oversee organizing the Usher/Communion/Lector schedule and has signed up volunteers to cover the rest of the year.

Mike McNeil will continue to lead our study on stewardship following our First Sunday Potluck.

Becky McNeil will lead a bible study "The Bible from Scratch, The Old Testament for Beginners". There will be two chances to attend each week. On the Sunday's that we do not have the Stewardship presentation, we will incorporate a session entitled "Let's Chat." Topics so far include Favorite Bible Verses, the Apples on the Tree exercise we did with the Transition Team, RIC Clunky Questions, and the Welcome/Mission/Vision Statements.

Terri Watson and Keeliey O'Hara will officially join Zion's in October, by baptism and affirmation of faith.

We are looking for people to join the Board of Trustees. This committee made up of 3 or 4 people, as spelled out in our by-laws, oversees monitoring the Samuels Trust Fund. We work with a financial advisor at Charles Schwab and make recommendations to the congregational council who have final authority in all financial matters. If you have any interest or questions, please contact Julie Wersal or Mike McNeil.

The next regular meeting will be Oct. 13. Having no other business, the meeting was adjourned with the Lord's Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Julie Wersal,

Council President


  • Fellowship Time: Plan to join us after worship for coffee and conversation. During fellowship, you will be asked to share your favorite Bible verse(s) and why. You have a few days to think about it! It should be a fun discussion.
  • 5-Loaves Volunteer Needed: Next Saturday, Sept. 28, is our monthly 5-Loaves meal delivery. If you can help package meals on Friday morning, Sept. 27, or assist with deliveries on Saturday, please let Norine Hazen or Jo Moss know.
  • Blessing of the Animals: At 10 a.m. this coming Saturday, Oct. 5, Zion’s will offer its traditional blessing of the animals. The blessing will take place on the fenced, lower lawn of the Fellowship Hall. We are reaching out to the community to participate in this blessing. We will be collecting pet food and other pet supplies to donate to PALS. In addition, we have had several items donated for “door prizes”. For more information, talk to T.M. Garner, Julie Wersal, or Jo Moss.
  • Weekly Bible Studies Begin Oct. 2 & 5: The Rev. Dr. Becky McNeil will lead a Bible Study entitled, The Bible from Scratch, The Old Testament for Beginners by Donald L. GriggsThe books to accompany the course are available on Amazon. We are going to meet two different days of the week, Wednesday and Saturday, which gives us more flexibility. The Wednesday study will be held from 1-2 p.m. beginning on Oct. 2. The Saturday study will be from 10-11 a.m. beginning on Oct. 5. Follow this link for details:
  • First Sunday Potluck: Next Sunday, Oct. 6, is our First Sunday Potluck. Bring your favorite dish to share and plan to stay for our Sunday Morning Stewardship Study presented by Mike McNeil.
  • Prayer List Updates: We will be updating the prayer list on Oct. 6, please let Vicar Lisa or Jo Moss know of any updates or names to be added or removed.

E-formation – 19th Sunday after Pentecost, Sept. 29

Standard Sundays continue with the proclamation of the second half of Mark’s gospel.

Mark 9:38-50

The extreme admonitions in this passage capture the metaphoric nature of Jesus’ preaching. Although later Christians saw this passage as about eternal punishment in hell, it is unlikely that Mark’s community had any such medieval understanding of “Gehenna.” In our baptism, we do “bear the name of Christ” and have been salted with God’s Spirit. The passage includes an admonition for Christians to cease competition with each other. The stark passage concludes with a blessing of Christ’s peace.

Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29

The narrative from Numbers has been joined with Mark 9 because both share the conviction that God’s Spirit is shared by the many rather than by the few. Thus, the Numbers reading places the focus of the gospel reading on verse 40. The Israelite nomads have certainly been salted with fire. Christians believe that in baptism all the members of the body of Christ receive the Spirit of God.

James 5:13-20

The passage from James impels us to examine our practice of prayer, which here is focused on communal healing, not on personal situations. The Elijah reference reflects early monotheistic beliefs, according to which any cosmic event, even weather, is produced directly by God.

Zion's Lutheran Church
