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Zion's Connections
November Edition
Jo Moss
Zion's 30th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
Updated Information
Jo Moss
Nov. 3: We Celebrate the Life of Andrea Doeden
Celebration of Life Service: 11 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 3, at Zion's Lutheran Church & on Zoom
Announcements and E-formation -- Oct. 25, 2023
Reformation Sunday by Vicar Lisa Greetings from Berkeley. This upcoming Sunday is one that we, and many other...
Lisa Rygiel
Announcements and E-formation -- Oct. 18, 2023
A Message from Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop The war in the middle east is so tragic. We can only pray...
Lisa Rygiel
Announcements and E-formation -- Oct. 11, 2023
Relax in God’s Presence By Vicar Lisa Psalms 46:1-11 says that “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present...
Lisa Rygiel
Announcements and E-formation -- Oct. 4, 2023
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Him! By Vicar Lisa It is hard to be joyful at times. And, the passing of Pastor Andrea is...
Lisa Rygiel
Zion's Connections
The October edition of the newsletter can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking the link.
Jo Moss